Help The Pryor Herd Today!

This is not just CLOUD’S HERD, but the PRYOR HERD.  There are so many more horses that deserve just as much if not more attention.  This herd is now in danger of being “managed to extinction” by PZP.  A phrase that The Cloud Foundation used to live by.


In 2010 The Cloud Foundation released this:

Observations of PZP contraceptive use in the Pryors

Cross-posted from The Cloud Foundation

TCF does not support or recommend the continued use of the experimental immunocontraceptive drug, PZP, for the Pryor Wild Horse Herd because the drug continues to have an unusual and unpredictable impact on the mares that have received the drug.

PZP treatment was first administered to young females (seven yearlings and one two-year-old) in 2001 when they were given shots in the corrals after a roundup in September 2001. The drug was designed to extend one year of infertility to this group. It was given in two consecutive years. The second year the drug was administered via field darting.

Of these eight young mares, one died and four have foaled. The only two-year-old, Moshi, foaled in 2002, as she was already pregnant. Moshi didn’t foal again for 6 years until her out-of-season filly was born in September 2008.

Of the six remaining yearlings, four have produced a foal. Of the four foals, three were born in September. Administration of PZP was stopped on younger mares in 2005 due to a natural decrease in population largely because of mountain lion predation, and the unexpected absence of foal production by the young mares.

Nearly 50% of the young mares receiving the drug in the years 2001-2004 have never foaled. Of the 34 young mares to receive the drug between 2001-2004, 11 have died, 13 have foaled and 12 have not foaled.  Two veterinarians (from Switzerland and Colorado) have independently expressed the same concern to us: mares not producing foals at a typically younger age (i.e. three-seven years) will have a more difficult time conceiving. They point out that this is true not just in horses but in humans as well as other species.

Of the 13 young mares that have foaled, eight foals have been born out of season, including three in September of 2008 alone. One foal born in September, never grew to full-size and was subsequently bait trapped and adopted out in September 2006. Another foal, born to Cecelia, #2224, a mare darted as a yearling and two-year-old in 2003 and 2004, was born in December of 2006. The majority of Pryor Mountain mares foal from May 15- June 15.She didn’t foal in 2007 and then foaled in September of 2008.

Photo evidence attests to the masculine and aggressive behavior of certain PZPed fillies as well as the masculine appearance of Aurora #2036. She has a stallion-like cresty neck and physique. It is obvious that the hormones of these young mares have been altered by PZP.

Of 21 older mares (11 years of age and older) given PZP from 2003-2007, 57% or 12 mares have foaled in spite of the field darting with Porcine Zona Pellucida. Only 43% or nine mares have not foaled (drug worked as designed).  One mare, Tonopah #8603, produced a foal at the age of 21 in 2007.

Aside from the cruelty of raising a newborn foal going into a Montana winter, the drug has had other negative side effects in the form of abscesses, bleeding, and swelling on the hips of field darted mares. Of the 54 mares listed on the PMWHR Injection and Reaction Observations –updated June 2007 (BLM-03262), 41 mares are listed with swelling, nodules, bleeding or a combination of all these. 20 mares still have visible signs of nodules even years after they were injected. One mare, Hightail #8901, had an abscess from darting in 2007 which has since healed on its own.

Phoenix #9104 had a major wound at the location of an injection site lump from the last field darting prior to the observed wound. Photo comparisons indicate the wound, which appeared in June 2007 matches the left hip nodule from a previous darting with PZP.  (Photos included). The mare and her foal were captured and treated in the corrals at the base of the mountain. Upon release to her band, the abscess looked to be healing although the mare had lost weight while in the Britton Springs corrals. Despite continued weight loss, the mare survived a long winter with deep snow at times, and looks remarkably fit at present.

The BLM has reported that density dependence (the ability for a wildlife population to self-regulate its numbers based on available resources) and compensatory reproduction (over-production by females to increase an under-represented population) have taken place on the Pryor Wild Horse Range. In other words the older mares that continue to reproduce despite the use of PZP are responding to an under-population. Generally the core reproducers as well as the older females share this burden. One older mare, Madonna #8913, who has been darted with PZP yearly since 2003, foaled in June 2007. The foal appeared to have trouble suckling and milk ran out its nose when nursing. The foal likely died during the night, as she was not with her mother the following morning.

To our knowledge this is the only herd in the West to receive PZP via field darts (Assateague Island off the coast of Virginia uses field darts with few reported problems). We believe that the many problems with swelling, bleeding and abscessing may be partially blamed on field darting. The projectile is shot through unclean surfaces on the hips of the mares.

Of the original group of young mares given the shot by hand while in the corrals, only one had any swelling. The other seven had no swelling, nodules or abscesses. This compares with 41 of 54 mares (a staggering 76%) with reported swelling, nodules and bleeding from at least one field darting experience. 43% of the mares darted in 2007 have nodules or bleeding and one mare had an abscess (Hightail #8901).

According to scientific reports, not all darts are recovered. Some needles may break off and remain in the mare where they could cause later abscessing. Significant problems may not be immediately observed, rather bacteria may linger and the problem area might be walled-off for some time then suddenly emerge as in the case of Phoenix #9104. This was mentioned as a possibility by four of the six equine veterinarians with whom we consulted. These veterinarians practice in California, Oregon, and Colorado and were asked for their opinions regarding the efficacy of field darting mares in the PMWHR, the potential hazards of this practice, and the possibility for a late abscess to appear months after the darting.  One veterinarian expressed concern that the mare was darted again, thereby placing more strain on the immune system. Phoenix is one of the older mares who has produced a foal despite being darted.

Ironically, the initial stated reason for the administration of PZP by BLM was “purely from the standpoint of compassionate use”. Compassionate use was defined as “the use of the tool (or in this case a fertility control agent) to improve the quality of life of another (in this case younger or older wild mares).” (BLM Field Manager, Sandra S. Brooks-June 3, 2004). BLM sought to prolong the life of the older mares by causing them not to foal and to delay the foaling of the younger mares for one year.

The stated goal of the scientific community regarding an ideal wild horse fertility control agent was that it should be “at least 90% effective” (Wild Horse Contraceptive Research document, 1991 USGS website, posted 2-21-06). While the drug appears to be over 90% effective on Assateague Island, it has not performed in a similar manner in the Pryors. It has not prevented the foaling by a majority of the older mares and it has prevented foaling by the majority of the younger mares, in some cases, for seven years.

Most importantly, instead of trying to manage the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses in a natural way, allowing for a predator-prey balance and only conducting a roundup when truly necessary, wild horse managers opt for the use of PZP in combination with helicopter roundups and bait trapping. These policies threaten the health of the unique Spanish mustangs of the Pryor Mountains.

In addition to the statistical analysis of PZP use, it is hard not to comment on the social stress placed on both mares and their bands stallions when the mares cycle monthly and are repeatedly bred but do not settle. In July of 2008, we witnessed one young mare (#2315) being bred three times in a fifteen-minute period while she struggled to get away.  Mares that cycle monthly attract the attention of bachelors and other band stallions on a regular basis and the stallion expends energy both in defense of his mare and in breeding her.  This social unrest has not been reported on Assateague Island, but is easily observed in the Pryors, when individual horse bands come in close proximity to each other during the summer months.


Now they issue this:

Help Cloud’s Herd Today!

Dear Friends of Cloud, his family and herd;

Comments are due on September 6th regarding the more effective use of PZP for mares in the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Herd. View our comments, which were sent to BLM this week.

In a nutshell, we advocate on the range management for all our wild herds to prevent removals as much as possible. Our goal: reproduction + natural mortality = 0. Of course there will be years when mortality is higher than reproduction and vice-versa, but over time, births and deaths will average out.What we are proposing for the Pryor mares will achieve this goal. What BLM is proposing will come close, but there will still removals, probably in 2015. However, when a removal happens, it will likely be smaller than in the past.
In 2012, 46 young Pryor horses were removed from their families and their home (including 7 foals). Some would have gone to BLM short-term holding corrals had it not been for TCF, our adopter friends, and particularly Lisa Friday & Legacy Mustang Preservation in Virginia. In all, we accounted for over half of those adopted.
But, we can’t continue to this as most of us have as many mustangs as our properties can sustain. And, TCF also rescues Pryor horses from previous adoptions which is an on-going process. Currently we have three horses looking for good, forever homes.
Adoption demand for mustangs is weak across the country. On the range management is the fiscal and humane solution—keeping wild horses on their ranges with their families where they are the safest. Of course, predator protection is what we continue to push for. 
Nature is a better manager than we humans can ever be. But, in the meantime, the reversible vaccine, PZP, is the logical tool. It has proven to be safe, effective 90% of the time, and it is reversible. So, when predation or extreme killer storms occur, the field darting can be put on hold.We hope you’ll take time to read our comments and then formulate your own.
Comments can be mailed or emailed. The address for mailing is:
Jim Sparks, Field Manager
5001 Southgate Drive
Billings, MT 59101-4669.Email is (Please note: spaces are underscores)
Thanks for making your voices heard on behalf of Cloud and all the Pryor Mustangs!Happy Trails,

You can Click TCF  to read the original post.  I ask TCF to explain.

The Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center has released their comment and concerns for this proposal.  These folks have had years more experience with these horses then TCF.  I ask you to please read their comment and compare.  Click on PMWMC to read it.  Then ask yourself:  “Who Knows This Herd Best?”

This is the comment I sent in.  While I do agree and work with PMWMC, I am still asking for no change to the current program at this time.

August 28, 2013

Jim Sparks, Field Manager BLM Billings Field Office 5001 Southgate Drive Billings, MT 59101

Dear Mr. Sparks,

I am writing in regard to the Bureau of Land Management’s recently released Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range Fertility Control Modification Preliminary Environmental Assessment August 2013 (DOI-BLM-MT-0010-2013-0034-EA).

I am a Montana resident, permit holder (within the Pryor Range) and very frequent visitor to the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range.

I do not support the current Proposed Action in the Fertility Control Modification (2.1 Proposed Action) for the following reasons:

1. Long-term herd sustainability should be a primary management goal for the Pryor Mountain wild horses. The 2009 HMAP has stated that maintaining representation of all bloodlines is a major objective. The 2011 fertility control plan and 2012 gather plan have been consistent with this and the other objectives of the Plan, such as maintaining a core breeding age population.

2. By exposing fillies to PZP for four consecutive years there is an increased risk of sterility in this potential core breeding age group. (example would be Aurora, # 20036, who was primed as a yearling, vaccines in 2009 and has never foaled).

3. Allowing each mare to have only one descendant runs the risk of loss of important bloodlines and may greatly effect the genetics of this herd. This herd has a unique history and bloodlines, and preserving those bloodlines is very important. The Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range is not the Assateague Island National Seashore, and so the fertility control plan developed there should not be assumed to be appropriate here.

4. I feel that the current fertility plan is beginning to show favorable results. Last year (2012) there were 25 foals born and this year (to date) only 15 (13 surviving). I would

like to see this current program remain in place. I would rather see small removals (of 10 or less) then to have a too aggressive fertility program that may greatly effect this herd.

5. One of the recent publications by an advocacy group, suggested there is no market for the adoption of Pryor Horses, and that was their reason for an increase in the PZP program. I disagree with that and realize that adoption should be a separate issue that should be addressed separately, not making it the reason to increase the current fertility plan. The PMWMC and I have discussed several ways that may help with a successful adoption and we plan to work together in the future to make that happen.

Thank you for considering my comment.


Sandra P. Elmore
Wild In The Pryors


I ask you to please submit a comment against any changes to the program at this time.

You can send your comments to:

Jim Sparks, Field Manager BLM Billings Field Office 5001 Southgate Drive Billings, MT 59101

 Or email to make sure it gets there:

Thank you.


Logo designed by Amber Bushnell
Logo designed by Amber Bushnell

August In The Pryors. Part 4.

Nirvana checks out her reflection.
Nirvana checks out her reflection.

This night was filled with the sounds of horses.  Not as many stallion screams as the night before, but still plenty of activity.  It seemed some of the horses were finally moving down towards this part of the mountain.

At 5:00 am, I was awoke by the sound of a very loud whinny.  I sat straight up in my tent.  It was still dark out.  I sat there waiting for another whinny.  Had I really heard a whinny, or had I dreamt it?  Regardless if it was real or not, I decided to get up.

I had just finished making coffee when I could see a few horses down the road.  It was Cappuccino and his band.  It was just beginning to get light.

I was happy to see them for a couple of reasons.  One was to see that Cappuccino was indeed back with the band after running with the boys two days ago, and two,  I had learned the night before from some visitors (thank you Patty!) that one of the yearlings had been wounded.  They showed me the photo and I knew instantly it was McKeahnie.  I was anxious to see the wound for myself.

McKeahnie was lagging behind a bit, but did not seem to bad.  It appears to be a puncture wound.  It was beginning to drain pus out.  From time to time he would stop and bit at his hind foot.  I wondered if he had a bit of numbness from the wound.  I was concerned, but I do believe it will heal just fine.   I did call Jared and let him know.  And I will be looking forward to seeing how he is when I go up again soon.

We spent some earlier morning time with this band while we waited for the sun to come up.  The photos are a bit grainy because of the low light.


They seemed a bit bothered by our presence, so we left them and headed down Burnt Timber road where I had seen some horses heading earlier.  There were several bands there.  Galaxy, Blue Moon, Garay, Coronado, and Baja.  The first time in days they had gone down this way.

Galadrial and Beulah
Galadrial and Beulah
Ketchikan and Gringo
Ketchikan and Gringo



Coronado's without Santa Fe.
Coronado’s without Santa Fe.
Sequoyah and Nirvana
Sequoyah and Nirvana

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Topper Too
Topper Too
Washakie and Baja
Washakie and Baja
Topper Too
Topper Too



We stayed there until the sun started to get hot, watching them move into the trees for shade and relief from the flies.

We had to head down the mountain today.  We went back to camp to pack up.  Tomorrow I would have a day trip and be back up here.

Today I wanted to get down and check out lower Skyes, hoping to get a glimpse of Cecila.  I had heard that some thought she was pregnant.  I had not seen her since February. I knew that she had foaled last year the middle of August.  So I was pretty sure if she was, she may have a new foal with her.

Just as we were leaving, we saw Cloud and his band.

Nimbus and Inocentes
Nimbus and Inocentes

I always keep a watchful eye out as I head down Burnt Timber, even though most of the horses are on top.

I had not seen Garcia and band.  But as spread out as the horses were right now, I thought perhaps I may have missed him.  I also still was holding out hope that I would see Two Boots or Starman or even Prince.

We were high up the road above the lower water guzzlers when I noticed some dark-colored horses by one of the guzzlers.  My heart skipped a beat.  Was Two Boots one of them??  I looked through the binoculars.  It wasn’t Two Boots, but it was Garcia and his band!  How cool was that??  They were the only band using this part of the range right now.  Smart band.  The forage of course was not as great as on top, but they had the whole place to themselves.  It was so great to see the water guzzlers doing what they hoped it would do.  AND there was still water for them in them!

We stopped and hiked back to them.  They were very surprised to see us and were a bit bothered by our presence.  So after snapping a few photos, we left them to their solitude.

Millicent, Norma Jean, Great and Garcia, August 22, 2013
Millicent, Norma Jean, Great and Garcia, August 22, 2013

When we reached Lower Sykes, the thermometer on the truck read 95 degrees.  It would be like an oven out there for hiking, but I was determined to check on Cecilia.  I hiked up a couple tall hills and glassed around.  It only took me a minute to spot them way off.   I don’t believe Ceceila is pregnant.

Ceceila, Mato and Sitting Bull, August 22, 2013
Ceceila, Mato and Sitting Bull, August 22, 2013

It had been a great first 5 days on the mountain.

Later that evening I met with Matt and Nancy at the PMWMC.  We talked about the new proposed PZP program.  Here is a link to their blog on the letter they wrote.  Click CENTER to go there.

There is still time to submit your letter too.  Click HERE for more information on how to do that.


Logo designed by Amber Bushnell
Logo designed by Amber Bushnell

Call To Action For The Pryor Herd.


Wild in the Pryors is asking that you submit your comments before September 6, 2013 in regards to the recently released  Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range Fertility Control Modification Preliminary Environmental Assessment August 2013 (DOI-BLM-MT-0010-2013- 0034-EA).


Nye and Niabrara will be yearlings in the spring of 2014.  They could be given PZP treatment this next spring if the proposed Modification takes effect.  They would be treated at the age of 1, 2, 3, and 4 until they move into the 5-10 age range where, with the current Fertility Plan, treatment stops. The questions arise, “How many years can PZP be administered without causing irreversible infertility?” and “Will their response be similar to other Pryor fillies who were treated at a very young age and faced infertility problems?” 

Aurora, age 13.  Was given PZP as a yearling and has never had a foal.
Aurora, age 13. Was given PZP as a yearling and has never had a foal.

Manuelita picture below will be given her first PZP treatment this fall if it takes effect.

Manuelita.  Will she ever be able to conceive?

Comments are due by September 6, 2013.

We ask that you send your comment to:
Jim Sparks, Field Manager
BLM Billings Field Office
5001 Southgate Drive
Billings, MT 59101

Your comment should be polite and to the point.  We would like you to ask  that the current PZP program remain in effect and no changes be made to the current program. 

Please make your comment short and to the point.

Start your comment with this reference:

I am writing in regard to the Bureau of Land Management’s recently released Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range Fertility Control Modification Preliminary Environmental Assessment August 2013 (DOI-BLM-MT-0010-2013-0034-EA). 

Nye and Galena, August 2013
Nye and Galena, August 2013

Long-term herd sustainability should be a primary management goal for the Pryor Mountain wild horses.

 “Removing females even temporarily from the breeding pool is likely to reduce the effective population size and genetic diversity of the population.” (p. 125 of the National Science Academy report.)

Mercuria and Morgana, August 2013.  Will they become sterile?
Yearlings Mercuria and Morgana, August 2013. Will they become sterile?

Please send your comments in today.  You can read more on this proposal by clicking on PZP.  You can read the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center’s letter regarding this proposal by clicking on PMWMC.

Thank you.


Logo designed by Amber Bushnell
Logo designed by Amber Bushnell


August 24, 2013 – PMWMC Comments on Proposed Fertility Control Plan Modification

The Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center and Wild in the Pryors have very similar thoughts and feelings on this Fertility Control Modification. I hope you all will join us in submitting your comments.

Galena and Nye, August 2013

Liesl and Kaibab Update from Lori.

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Ever since Liesl and Kaibab were adopted by the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center on September 8th 2012,
Diane Granger and myself have been the care givers to Liesl and Kaibab. Feeding them, and working with gentling them down have been our responsibility, and believe me it has been a wonderful experience and those two horses have been a part of my life as well as Diane’s since day one.Diane has been a board member for about 6 years, and was also married to my father for 25 years, so we are very close. Both Diane and I love them very much, and I believe that they both have come to know, trust and Love us as well.When the Mustang Center decided that Liesl and Kaibab needed a new home it was a no brainer that they should go to live with Diane.  So, we talked Jimmy into building yet another shelter for Liesl and Kaibab up at  Diane’s place. Her property is about 5 miles from the center so they did not have to travel far.She already owns two other Pryor horses named Kristy & Charlotte, and a goat named Dolly.Finally after a month of hard work the shelter and corral were ready for Liesl & Kaibab.  Thanks to the expertise of Nancy and Steve Cerroni, both horses were loaded up into their trailer and taken to Diane’s.

Here are some pictures of Liesl and Kaibab at their new home. They seem very content and happy and are getting
acquainted with Dolly the goat, Charlotte and Kristy.

Charlotte is from Blanca and a stallion who was taken off of the range and adopted. I am not sure of his name. Kristy is from Chino & Belle Star.

There are two other horses outside of the property that belong to the neighbors and
they are in one of the photo’s.
I know they will have the best of care and we both will continue working with them. I am happy for both horses and just looking into their eyes I can tell they feel safe and they know that they are with someone who they trust and have come to love. That is enough for me, and I will continue to be a part of their lives, which means
the world to me.

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Two New Foals, August 20, 2012

Two more foals were born in the Pryors this past week!  With all of the other news, I thought it would be nice to post a “good news” post!

The first foal is Cecelia and Sitting Bulls new colt.  You can see photos of him by clicking on PMWMC.  Matt took some great photos of them.  The new colt is just beautiful!  Thanks Matt.

I hope I can find this couple and their new foal when I visit in a little while.  You can read more about Cecelia and Sitting Bull by clicking CECELIA.  I got to see them for the first time a few weeks ago.  I felt really lucky. They are a beautiful pair.

The second foal that was born is Dove and Coronado’s colt.  Shawn Ivie found this beautiful colt this past weekend.  Thanks Shawn for letting me use your photos!

I know Dove had a foal a few years ago and it did not survive.  Since then she has not conceived, so this is a really special gift.  The colt looks healthy too!

Dove and her new colt, August 18, 2012
Dove’s new colt, August 18, 2012
Coronado, Dove and their colt, August 18, 2012

So, some good news to start our week off with!  Let’s hope the good news continues!


Logo designed by Amber Bushnell

Photos and Information on Pryor Horses Up For Adoption, September 8, 2012

Listed below are all the horses that will be offered for adoption.

This gave me a good opportunity to go through my photos and remember each horse.  This is my tribute to them.

UPDATE: September 8, 2012. By each name is the price that they were sold at the adoption today.

A look at Britton Springs. The horses are being held here until the adoption. Photo by Joy Vancos.

Mares with foals:

1. July and Maverick.  July is the 2009 daughter of Madonna and Duke.  Her colt Maverick was born the middle of May. $250.00

July and her new colt, May 20, 2012
Maverick, July 31, 2012

2.  Juneau and Mendenhall.  Juneau is the 2009 daughter of Gold Rush and Two Boots.  Her foal, a colt was born in early June. $250.00

Juneau and Mendenhall, June 17, 2012
Juneau and Mendenhall with Baja’s band, June, 2012

3.  Joviana and Malakai.  Joviana is the 2009 daughter of Morning Star and Felina.  Her foal, a colt was born in late May. $250.00

Joviana and her colt, July, 2012 Photo by Deb Little.
Joviana colt, July 10, 2012

4.  Kaycee and Maria.  Kaycee is the 2010 daughter of Jackson and Brumby.  Her foal, a filly was born in mid- June. $250.00

Kaycee and her new filly, June 18, 2012
June 19, 2012
Kaycee, June, 2012
Kaycee, October, 2010

5. Kaelia and her filly, Malayna.  Kaelia is the 2010 daugher of Merlin and Halo.  Her filly Malayna was born in June. $250.00

Kaelia, May 2012
Kaelia and Malayna. Photo by Shawn Ivie.
Malayna. Photo by Shawn Ivie.

6. Kerry and Maclean.  Kerry is the 2010 daughter of Ireland and Prince.  Kerry’s foal was born in June and the father is most likely Durango. $2,300

Kerry and Maclean, July 30, 2012
Kerry, July 30, 2012
Kerry’s colt Maclean, July 30, 2012
Kerry, October, 2010

The next group are the three year olds.

1.  Jenny/ filly.  Jenny is the 2009 daughter of Brumby and Jackson. $125.00

Jenny, October 2010
Jenny, July 2011
Jenny, July 30, 2012

2. Jumping Badger/ colt.  Jumping Badger is the 2009 colt of Sitting Bull and Cecelia. $125.00

Jumping Badger, June, 2012. Photo by Linda Dombeck

3. Jicarilla/ filly.  Jicarilla is pregnant.  She is the 2009 daughter of Baja and Bacardi.  UPDATE:  Jicarilla had her foal, a filly on September 2. $250.00

Jicarilla, May, 2012
Jicarllia, June 17, 2012

3.  Jedediah/ colt.  Jedediah is the 2009 son of Graciana. $700.00

Jedediah, August, 2011
Jedediah and Duke, August, 2011
Jedediah and Lancaster, June, 2012

4.  Judith/filly.  Judith is the 2009 daughter of  Halcyon. $125.00

Judith, July 2011
Judith, July, 2012

5. Jalisco/ colt.  Jalisco is the 2009 son of Buffalo Girl and Durango. $275.00

Jalisco, 2009. Photo by Linda Dombeck
Jalisco, September 2011. Photo by Linda Dombeck.
Jalisco, April, 2012
Jalisco, April, 2012

The Two- year- olds:

Kelly/filly.  Kelly is the 2010 daughter of Gaelic Princess and Morning Star. $125.00

Kelly, June, 2012
Kelly, June 2012

2.  Katrina/filly.  Katrina is the 2010 daughter of Bristol and Greta. $125.00

Katrina, May 20, 2012
Katrina and Kachina, June 2012
Katrina, July 2012

4.  Kachina/filly.  Kachina is the 2010 daughter of Baja and Washakie. $125.00

Kachina, June 18, 2012
Kachina, July 7, 2012

5.  Kalahari/filly.  Kalahari is the 2010 daughter of Firestorm and Jackson. $225.00

Kalahari, October, 2010
Kalahari, July 12, 2012
Kalahari, August 1, 2012

6.  Kayenta/filly.  Kayenta is the 2010 daughter of Warbonnet and Teton. $400.00

Kayenta, October, 2010
Kayenta, March 2012
Kayenta and her mother, Warbonnet, May 20, 2012

7.  Kokopeli/colt.  Kokopeli is the 2010 son of Strawberry and Blizzard. $125.00

Kokopeli, September, 2011
Kokopeli, April 14, 2012
Kokopelli, July 31, 2012

8.  Kaibab/colt.  Kaibab is the 2010 son of Fiasco and Doc. $425.00

Kaibab, October, 2011
Kaibab, July, 2012

9.  Kierra/filly.  Kierra is the 2010 daughter of White Cloud and Aztec. $125.00

Kierra, October, 2010
Kierra, April, 2012
Kierra, June 2012

10.  Klamath/colt.  Klamath is the 2010 son of Bolder and Sapo. $150.00

Klamath, July 2010
Klamath, June 2012. Photo by Terry Hawthorne.
Klamath, July 8, 2012

11.  Kane/colt.  Kane is the 2010 son of Two Boots and Sequoyah. $225.00

Kane with Sequoyah and Two Boots, July 2010
Kane, June, 2012
Sequoyah and Kane, July 2012
Kane, July, 2012

12.  Krystal/filly.  Krystal is the 2010 daughter of  Blue Moon and Feldspar. $125.00

Krystal, October, 2010
Krystal, April 15, 2012
Krystal, Feldspar and Bailys, July 8, 2012
Krystal, April, 2012

13.  Kootenai/colt.  Kootenai is the 2010 son of Hertiage and Lakota.  $325.00

Kootenai, August, 2010
Kootenai, April 2012
Kootenai, July, 2012

14.  Kodiak/colt.  Kodiak is the 2010 son of Gabrielle and Santa Fe. $700.00

Kodiak, July 8, 2012
Kootenai and Kodiak, July 2011
Santa Fe with his son Kodiak, July, 2012

15.  Kiva/filly.  Kiva is the 2010 daughter of Fools Gold and Bolder. $225.00

Kiva, October 2010
Kiva and Madrid, July 7, 2012
Kiva, August 1, 2012

16.  Kiowa/filly.  Kiowa is the 2010 daughter of Half Moon and Lakota.  $125.00

Kiowa, October, 2010
Kiowa, March, 2012
Kiowa, July 2012

And now for the yearlings:

1.  Lenape/filly.  Lenape is the 2011 daughter of  Hataalii and Morning Star.  $125.00

Lenape, June 2012
Lenape, June 2012
Lenape, June 2012

2.  LaSalle/colt.  LaSalle is the 2011 son of Jacinta and Tecumseh. $225.00

LaSalle, May 19, 2012
LaSale and Jacinta, June 2012

3.  Liesl/filly.  Liesl is the 2011 daughter of Greta and Bristol. $125.00

Liesl, July 31, 2012

4.  Leo/colt.  Leo is the 2011 son of Custer and Fiasco. $225.00

Leo, October 2011
Leo, July 2012
Leo, July 30, 2012

5.  Lynx/colt.  Lynx is the son of Inocentes and Ferdinand.  $225.00

Lynx, July 2011
Kierra and Lynx, April, 2012
Lynx, June 18, 2012

6.  Lukachukai/filly.  Lukachukai is the 2011 daughter of Baja and Washakie. $325.00

Baja and Lukachukai, June 2012
Lukachukai, June, 2012

7.  Lilly/filly.  Lilly is the 2011 daughter of Gabrielle and Cappuccino. $125.00

Gabrielle and Lilly, July 2011
Lilly, April, 2012
Lilly, April 2012

8.  Lancaster/colt.  Lancaster is the 2011 son of Helenium and Tecumseh. $175.00

Lancaster, August, 2011
Lancaster, May 20, 2012

9.  Lander/colt.  Lander is the 2011 son of Jackson and Galena. $350.00

Lander, Galena and Jackson, October, 2011
Lander, June, 2012
Lander, June, 2012

10.  LeDoux/colt.  LeDoux is the 2011 son of Jackson and Firestorm. $500.00

Firestorm and LaDoux, October, 2011
LaDoux, June, 2012
LaDoux, June, 2012

11. Lewis/colt.  Lewis is the 2011 son of Cascade and Seattle. $375.00

Lewis, September, 2011. Photo by Linda Dombeck.
Lewis, September, 2011. Photo by Linda Dombeck
Lewis, July 2012. Photo by Shawn Ivie.

You can click PRYORS to find out more about the adoption.


Logo designed by Amber Bushnell

Removal Updates, July 27, 2012, # 14, 15 and 16 + a foal

Lori just let me know that they have removed 3 more horses today, plus a foal.  They are all from Baja’s band:  Lukachukai, Jicarilla and Juneau with her foal.  I was able to spend a lot of time videoing this family on my last visit early this month.  I am glad that I have that footage of them.  I also was told that Washakie had her foal.

So before I go over the removals in Baja’s band, I would like to address something.  There is a lot of “up roar” today about why the BLM is not counting the foals in the removal.  Well, this is simple really.  They don’t count the foals when they do the census for the herds total count, so why should they count them when they are removed?  Think about that, it would not make sense.   Also, there were months and a couple of opportunities to send your comments to the BLM on this removal.  Now is not the time for them.  Now is the time to support this and let them do their job.  This is far better than a helicopter roundup, where they would be removing all ages.  Believe me, I do not like this removal, but it needs to be done, period.  Please click on REMOVALS to read my post that I wrote on April 6th of this year.

And now on to those removed:

Lukachukai is the 2011 daughter of Baja and Washakie.  I know Shawn was especially fond of her.  I just got to know her this year and she is a very sweet and pretty young filly.

Baja and Luckachukai, June 2012
Lukahcukai, June, 2012

Jicarilla is the 2009 daughter of Bacardi and Baja.  She is a beautiful grulla roan.

Jicarilla, May, 2012
Jicarllia, June 17, 2012

Juneau is the 2009 daughter of Gold Rush and Two Boots.  Her foal, a colt was removed with her.

Juneau and Mendenhall, June 17, 2012
Washakie, Juneau and Baja’s colt, Baja and Juneau.


Logo designed by Amber Bushnell

Mountain Update, Afternoon of Day Two, June 18, 2012

The afternoon was just as wonderful as the morning.  What made it more special was that my good friend Lori was going to join us for a few hours and along with her was a new friend Chris.   They met us shortly after I had seen Lakota.

The four of us were the only ones on the mountain so far that day. As we headed up the road after checking on Lakota I saw two horses to my left napping in the sun.  It was Santa Fe and Judith!  If you don’t remember Santa Fe and Judith, you can read about them by clicking; SANTA FE.  I had seen them in May and at that time Santa Fe was having a hard time keeping Judith around.  It seemed like she had finally settled in to being with him.

Santa Fe and Judith, June 18, 2012

As I followed the road towards Penn’s Cabin, I was able to get closer to them.

Santa Fe and Judith

The next band that we encountered was Cloud’s band again.  But this time Mica saw me.  I only stayed for a few minutes and moved on.  He was getting way to close to me and I did not want it to become a habit.

Mica spots me, June 18, 2012

Mica is the only foal that I have ever met that deliberately walks right towards me.  It does make me feel pretty special, but I do not encourage it in any way.

Mica, June 18, 2012
Kierra, June 18, 2012  Yes, the sky really is that blue!
Mica, with the beautiful blue sky as a background.

I left and went down the road and parked.  I walked over and peered over the cliff above Mystic Pond.  This is what I saw:

Jackson and Blue Moon bands, June 18, 2012

Jackson’s band had a new member since I last saw them.  Kaycee had a beautiful little filly.

The snow above Mystic was a fraction of what it was a month ago when I saw it last.  It was also much smaller than last year, when I saw it the end of July.  I am sure it will be gone in the next week.

We spent a long time watching all of the bands.  It was really interesting to see some of the interaction.  It was not as quiet and peaceful as it had been when I was watching everyone nap a few hours ago.  If you missed that post, click HORSES, and it will take you to that post.

I am going to share several photos with you of what I saw.

Grijala was there with his band of “Special K’s”! Kohl, Katrina, Kachina, Kalahari, Kindra and Quelle Colour.

Judith and Santa Fe had come down to join the bands.

Judith and Santa Fe
Kaycee and her new filly, June 18, 2012
Kachina, Kindra and Quelle Colour
Grijala and Katrina

Garay came walking up and caused some commotion.  Nothing too bad, but very interesting to watch.  Garay was a lone.  I wondered where London was.  I would see London the next day.

Santa Fe and Garay discussing.
Bolder and his two sons, Killian and Klamath greeting Garay. This was really fun to watch. I doubted that the two young colts would be that brave without their father there.
Killian pushing on Garay
Garay, June 18, 2012
Kane from Blue Moon’s band decides to greet Garay too.
Kane and Garay
Garay heads over to greet Grijala

Garay and Grijala used to hang out together before Grijala got his band last summer.  I was interested to see how this meeting would go.

Garay and Grijala
Garay and Grijala

The meeting went just fine.  There was even a little mutual grooming.

Grijala and Garay, June 18, 2012

There were so many horses around, it was hard to watch everything.  I looked up over to the left and saw Galaxy moving his band down to the water.

Galaxy and band

I looked to the right and saw Duke’s band heading for water.

Duke’s band, June 18, 2012
Duke’s band

I then turned and saw Grijala and Santa Fe having a discussion.  Each time I turned my head I saw something happening some where.  It was an amazing sight to witness!

Santa Fe and Grijala
Santa Fe and Grijala, June 18, 2012
Santa Fe and Grijala

Grijala then realized that Santa Fe meant business and left to return to his band.  Only to encounter a very grumby Jackson who did not allow anyone to step over an imaginary line that he had drawn in the snow.  When they crossed that line, he would let them know!

Garay and Grijalla
Jackson enforces the boundary.
Grijala band.
Kachina, June 18, 2012
To my left was Teton and his band. This is Missoula, June 18, 2012
Duke’s band made it to the pond.
Duke’s band
Galaxy’s band was on the other side of the pond.
Firestorm right below me.
Firestorm and Brumby’s foals
Jackson’s band
Galena’s foal
Brumby’s foal seemed to really like Kaycee and her new filly.
Firestorm and her foal, June 18, 2012
Kaycee and her new filly, June 18, 2012
Chino, Topper One and Topper Too.
Chino, June 18, 2012
Chino moves his mares down to the pond.

I wasn’t prepared for how many photos I took down here.  My camera chip was down to my last 20 shots and I had to hike back to the ATV to get more.  On my way up I saw Coronado and his band.

La Brava, June 18, 2012
La Brava

And then my chip was full.  I did see this band again the next day, so you will see more photos of them when I do that post.

I was then told by my hungry visitors that I would have to stop and eat lunch.  I reluctantly agreed.  We went up to Penn’s and ate.

On our way back up the road I saw two black horses coming my way.  It was Two Boots and Jasper.  Two Boots looked great!  I can’t believe he is 24 this year.  I thought it was great that the young Jasper was with him.  He was learning from one of the best.

Two Boots and Jasper, June 18, 2012
Two Boots and Jasper

I then saw Tecumseh.  He headed up to greet them.  It wasn’t long before Two Boots decided he would rather not continue this greeting.

Tecumseh and Two Boots
Two Boots and Jasper
Gringo and his new band.
June 18, 2012

After saying good bye to Lori and Chis we went to check on Lakota.  Then headed back towards Penn’s cabin.  The first horse I saw was on of Jackson’s mares, Kiowa.

Kiowa, June 18, 2012

I was hoping to spend some up close time with Jackson’s band and I would not be disappointed.

I like to sit and watch the horses.  I find it really interesting to watch how they each interact with each other.  I never get tired of it.

Jackson’s band
Jackson’s band

I turned and saw Baja’s band.

Baja and band.
Kaycee and the Jackson Four!
Firestorm, Brumby and Galena foals, June 18, 2012
Jackson foals, June 18, 2012
Hertiage, Kiowa, Firestorm foal, Galena foal and Brumby foal.
Galena and Lander
Galena, Lander, Jackson and Brumby
Lander, June 18, 2012
Firestorm and LeDoux
LeDoux, June 18, 2012
Lander, June 18, 2012

We decided to head back to the campsite for a while.  I saw a car driving towards us.  It was Shawn Ivie and his daughter.  It was really great to finally meet him.  He mentioned that he thought he saw Prince on his way up.  I had not seen Prince up close for some time.  The last time I had seen him was in May and it was from a long way.  I hurried down Burnt Timber road to find him.

It was Prince and he did not look good.  Very thin.  Prince is 19 this year.

Prince, June 18, 2012
Prince. His old wound that Blue Moon him a few years ago is still apparent.

We checked on Lakota one more time.  It looked like a storm was coming, so we headed back to our campsite and called it a day.  A good day!

View from my campsite.

All photos are available for purchase.  Contact me at: for more information.
