Searching for Lakota, July 7-10, 2012

I am just going to say it right away.  I did not find Lakota.

Lakota, May, 2012

It is easier for me to be strong when I am on the mountain.  I try to tell myself up there that these are wild horses.  Things happen.  Sometimes I can’t quite remember that and burst into tears up there, but most of the time I am strong.

I was this time.  Then I got in the truck and started heading down the mountain towards home.  I was still okay.  Then I plugged in my ipod and it started playing.  You know what I mean, some song that you downloaded started playing.  One of those “tug at  your heart” kind of songs.  That is what happened yesterday morning as I headed down the mountain towards Bridger.  I started to cry, hard.  Luckily, I knew the road well and I could only drive about 10 miles an hour, so no one was in any danger.   Why was it that the ipod would not quit playing those songs?   The tears would not stop and by the time I got to Bridger my eyes looked like I had been in a fight.  We stopped to have breakfast there, and I am sure the waitress felt very sorry for me, because she seemed to be extra nice.

Lakota, June, 2012

Let me back up a bit and tell you about my search for Lakota.  I arrived on the mountain early afternoon of the 7th.  After changing a flat tire on the truck and setting up camp, I went down Burnt Timber Road to try to find Lakota.  And that was pretty much what I did for the next 3 1/2 days.  Search for Lakota.  I did spend some time off and on with the other bands, but a lot of the time I was hiking around looking for Lakota.

The last time someone saw him was on July the 2nd.  I thought for sure I knew where he would be.  It is so dry up there right now, that water is very limited.  I thought Lakota might be getting water from a little ice cave not far from where he was last seen.  Either that or at the red mud hole that Shawn had shown me 2 weeks ago.

The mud hole was dried up.  I saw a big black bear there, but no horses.  At the ice cave were 6 tents.  It was a group of people who were spending time mapping out the ice cave.  I know nothing about that.  They were nice enough people, but I was concerned that they may have driven Lakota off with all the activity around there.  I left them my card (with the image of Lakota on the front and back) and asked them to call or text me if they saw him.  I hiked to the ice cave just in case they had missed seeing his tracks.  Nothing.  The were there for a couple of days and I asked each day if they had seen Lakota.

I stopped everyone coming up Burnt Timber or heading down, gave them my card and asked them to watch for him.

Lakota, October, 2011

I tried to think about where he might go for water.  It not only was dry up there, but hot and I knew that he would need to go for water.

The next water hole was off towards the fence line, more than a  mile away or more away.  A hard mile. Especially for a horse with a hurt leg.  It was down a steep hill over a huge meadow and down another hill.  I hiked it and looked around the water hole.  I then hiked up the next hill above the water hole and sat for over an hour watching and looking through the binoculars.  Nothing.

Lakota, May 2012

And so went the days, hiking and driving looking for Lakota.  I did not find him.

I really did not want to leave without finding him.   It was a very hard thing to do.  I will be back in a few weeks.   I am hoping that someone can find him before then.  I will let you know if  hear anything.

Stay strong Lakota and heal…



Lakota, May, 2012
Lakota, October, 2011

Some Thoughts Before I Leave For The Pryors, July 2, 2012

I will be leaving for the Pryors in a few days.  Yes, I know, it has only been 2 weeks since I was last there.   I will be taking a couple of friends that have never been to the Pryors before.

I also want to spend some time with Lakota and see how he is doing.

Someone this week asked me a question.  At first I was offended by the question they asked.  But after thinking about it for a while, I decided that not everyone is as passionate about these wild horses as I am.  The question they asked me was: ” Is it really worth it?  Is it really worth going up all that way to take photos of horses just eating?” Ummm…  Right away I thought of my business cards.  I have a photo of Lakota “just eating”, I wondered why that never occurred to me.  I really loved that photo of him, but he was, “just eating”.

Horizon, August, 2011

I finally figured how to explain what going to the Pryors is for me.  On my last trip, heading up the mountain, I was in the truck by myself, so I had a lot of time to think.  I wondered if I would ever tire of going up this road. But as soon as I drove through the gates of the range I realized that would never happen.  It dawned on me how to attempt to explain my feelings.  I said it out loud to Linda a couple of times.  “Every time I come up here it is like Christmas morning.”  Remember when you were a kid the feeling of Christmas morning?

That is about as good as I can get to explain how I feel.  I have a passion for these horses that sometimes is unexplainable.  I enjoy getting to know each horse.  Yes, some I have made a deeper connection with than others.  But each horse up there is very special to me. I never get tired of it.

Lakota and Grijala, July 2011

So back to the question I was asked.  “Is it worth it?”  I think that for some, it probably is not worth it. Some will probably be bored and only see “horses eating”.  I see a lot more, just by the way I look at them.

I guess you can say these Pryor Mountain Wild Horses are my passion.

Santa Fe, May, 2012
Lakota, July 2011

What one sees in their surrounds and what ones passion is can be different for each person.   Instead of being offended by the comment that was made to me, it made me realize and look at just how much these horses mean to me.  I like watching them “just eat,” and that is okay.

Gaelic Princess, June, 2012

So, I head to the Pryors again, in just a few days.  I am looking forward to Christmas in July and watching the horses just eat.

Kodiak, Lilly and Blanca, June 2012

All photos are available for purchase.  Contact me for more information:


Wild Horse Winter Wonderland, June 20, 2012 in the Pryors

I woke up at 4:00 a.m. the morning of June 20.  The wind was rocking the truck.  I tried to look out and all I could see was white.  It was a blizzard.  The wind had been blowing so hard that it pasted the snow on all of the truck windows.  I was sleeping in my truck this trip, because it was warmer.

I took an ipad with me on this trip, so I checked the weather.  There was a pretty big snow cloud above the top of the mountain where we were.  I started to worry if we would be able to get out.  Not that there would be that much snow (although at that time I did not know how much was on the ground), but that it would make the roads impossible to travel on.  The roads down the mountain get very slippery when if just wet a little.

I mentally went through my list of things I had with me.  Yes, I had enough food if I was to get stuck up here for another night.  The one thing I did forget on this trip was my camp stove.  I do not like to make a fire when I am on the mountain.   The wind comes up so fast, and the chance of a campfire going out of control is great.  So I never do it.  But, I thought if there is snow on the ground, I may be tempted if we were stranded.  A cup of hot coffee would be good.

After spending a while worrying, I decided there was nothing I could do (or see) so I went back to sleep.

I woke up with the sound of Linda pounding on my window.  I think it was 6 am.  She said the horses were starting to run right past us and head down the mountain!  I put on my boots, grabbed my camera and jumped out!

It was a magical sight!  The sun came out for a short time and made the light against the snow and horses beautiful!

June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
Looks cold, doesn’t it?! June 20, 2012

I had only seen Cappuccino and his band once this trip.  It was late one night, so I did not take any photos of them.  It was nice to see them again in the daylight.

Cappuccino and band

Every band that came by was full of energy.  They all seemed to be heading down the mountain, to get out of the snow and wind.

June 20, 2012
Gabrielle and her colt.
Kodiak, Lilly and Blanca
Kodiak, Lilly and Blanca
Blanca, Kootenai and Gabrielle’s colt.
June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
Kodiak and Kootenai playing
Kodiak and Kootenai
Cappuccino and band, June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012

Next to come running by was Coronado and his band.

Coronado and band, June 20, 2012
Coronado, June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
La Brava, Kiva and Adona, June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
Coronado and band
June 20, 2012
Coronado and band, June 20, 2012

I was worried that Dove was not with the band.  But she finally caught up to them.

Coronado band

Next was Tecumseh and Gringo and his band.  Gringo allowed Tecumseh to get pretty close to his old band before he finally drove him further off.

Tecumseh, June 20, 2012
Gringo’s new band, June 20, 2012
Tecumseh runs with his old band.
Gringo behind his new band.
Tecumseh getting a little distance from Gringo.
June 20, 2012

We started to pack up camp.  We were debating if we should wait a while, or head down.  The dark clouds were all around us and the wind was cold.  It was 31 degrees with 20 mile an hour winds.  We decided to head down the mountain after we checked on Lakota.  After all, we had had an amazing 4 days on the mountain.  We could stay there and try and find the horses.  It seemed most where heading down the mountain to stay in the trees out of the snow and wind.  We decided why bother spending a cold day looking for horses when we had seen every band on the top over the last 4 days.  Plus, it also seemed like a smart thing to do with the way the weather was.

As I finished packing up the tent, I looked down the road towards Penn’s Cabin.  I could see 4 horses working their way towards us.  It was the Forest Service Boys!  Hamlet, Hernando and Inali.  They had one more with them, Irial.

Irial, June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
Inali and Hamlet, June 20, 2012
Hernando, June 20, 2012
Irial, June 20, 2012
June 20, 2012
Hernando and Irial, June 20, 2012

The first thing we did when we got down off the mountain in Bridger, Montana was get a hot cup of coffee!

All images are available for purchase.  Please contact me at: for more information.  No reusing of images without permission!  Thank you!


Mountain Update, Afternoon of Day Two, June 18, 2012

The afternoon was just as wonderful as the morning.  What made it more special was that my good friend Lori was going to join us for a few hours and along with her was a new friend Chris.   They met us shortly after I had seen Lakota.

The four of us were the only ones on the mountain so far that day. As we headed up the road after checking on Lakota I saw two horses to my left napping in the sun.  It was Santa Fe and Judith!  If you don’t remember Santa Fe and Judith, you can read about them by clicking; SANTA FE.  I had seen them in May and at that time Santa Fe was having a hard time keeping Judith around.  It seemed like she had finally settled in to being with him.

Santa Fe and Judith, June 18, 2012

As I followed the road towards Penn’s Cabin, I was able to get closer to them.

Santa Fe and Judith

The next band that we encountered was Cloud’s band again.  But this time Mica saw me.  I only stayed for a few minutes and moved on.  He was getting way to close to me and I did not want it to become a habit.

Mica spots me, June 18, 2012

Mica is the only foal that I have ever met that deliberately walks right towards me.  It does make me feel pretty special, but I do not encourage it in any way.

Mica, June 18, 2012
Kierra, June 18, 2012  Yes, the sky really is that blue!
Mica, with the beautiful blue sky as a background.

I left and went down the road and parked.  I walked over and peered over the cliff above Mystic Pond.  This is what I saw:

Jackson and Blue Moon bands, June 18, 2012

Jackson’s band had a new member since I last saw them.  Kaycee had a beautiful little filly.

The snow above Mystic was a fraction of what it was a month ago when I saw it last.  It was also much smaller than last year, when I saw it the end of July.  I am sure it will be gone in the next week.

We spent a long time watching all of the bands.  It was really interesting to see some of the interaction.  It was not as quiet and peaceful as it had been when I was watching everyone nap a few hours ago.  If you missed that post, click HORSES, and it will take you to that post.

I am going to share several photos with you of what I saw.

Grijala was there with his band of “Special K’s”! Kohl, Katrina, Kachina, Kalahari, Kindra and Quelle Colour.

Judith and Santa Fe had come down to join the bands.

Judith and Santa Fe
Kaycee and her new filly, June 18, 2012
Kachina, Kindra and Quelle Colour
Grijala and Katrina

Garay came walking up and caused some commotion.  Nothing too bad, but very interesting to watch.  Garay was a lone.  I wondered where London was.  I would see London the next day.

Santa Fe and Garay discussing.
Bolder and his two sons, Killian and Klamath greeting Garay. This was really fun to watch. I doubted that the two young colts would be that brave without their father there.
Killian pushing on Garay
Garay, June 18, 2012
Kane from Blue Moon’s band decides to greet Garay too.
Kane and Garay
Garay heads over to greet Grijala

Garay and Grijala used to hang out together before Grijala got his band last summer.  I was interested to see how this meeting would go.

Garay and Grijala
Garay and Grijala

The meeting went just fine.  There was even a little mutual grooming.

Grijala and Garay, June 18, 2012

There were so many horses around, it was hard to watch everything.  I looked up over to the left and saw Galaxy moving his band down to the water.

Galaxy and band

I looked to the right and saw Duke’s band heading for water.

Duke’s band, June 18, 2012
Duke’s band

I then turned and saw Grijala and Santa Fe having a discussion.  Each time I turned my head I saw something happening some where.  It was an amazing sight to witness!

Santa Fe and Grijala
Santa Fe and Grijala, June 18, 2012
Santa Fe and Grijala

Grijala then realized that Santa Fe meant business and left to return to his band.  Only to encounter a very grumby Jackson who did not allow anyone to step over an imaginary line that he had drawn in the snow.  When they crossed that line, he would let them know!

Garay and Grijalla
Jackson enforces the boundary.
Grijala band.
Kachina, June 18, 2012
To my left was Teton and his band. This is Missoula, June 18, 2012
Duke’s band made it to the pond.
Duke’s band
Galaxy’s band was on the other side of the pond.
Firestorm right below me.
Firestorm and Brumby’s foals
Jackson’s band
Galena’s foal
Brumby’s foal seemed to really like Kaycee and her new filly.
Firestorm and her foal, June 18, 2012
Kaycee and her new filly, June 18, 2012
Chino, Topper One and Topper Too.
Chino, June 18, 2012
Chino moves his mares down to the pond.

I wasn’t prepared for how many photos I took down here.  My camera chip was down to my last 20 shots and I had to hike back to the ATV to get more.  On my way up I saw Coronado and his band.

La Brava, June 18, 2012
La Brava

And then my chip was full.  I did see this band again the next day, so you will see more photos of them when I do that post.

I was then told by my hungry visitors that I would have to stop and eat lunch.  I reluctantly agreed.  We went up to Penn’s and ate.

On our way back up the road I saw two black horses coming my way.  It was Two Boots and Jasper.  Two Boots looked great!  I can’t believe he is 24 this year.  I thought it was great that the young Jasper was with him.  He was learning from one of the best.

Two Boots and Jasper, June 18, 2012
Two Boots and Jasper

I then saw Tecumseh.  He headed up to greet them.  It wasn’t long before Two Boots decided he would rather not continue this greeting.

Tecumseh and Two Boots
Two Boots and Jasper
Gringo and his new band.
June 18, 2012

After saying good bye to Lori and Chis we went to check on Lakota.  Then headed back towards Penn’s cabin.  The first horse I saw was on of Jackson’s mares, Kiowa.

Kiowa, June 18, 2012

I was hoping to spend some up close time with Jackson’s band and I would not be disappointed.

I like to sit and watch the horses.  I find it really interesting to watch how they each interact with each other.  I never get tired of it.

Jackson’s band
Jackson’s band

I turned and saw Baja’s band.

Baja and band.
Kaycee and the Jackson Four!
Firestorm, Brumby and Galena foals, June 18, 2012
Jackson foals, June 18, 2012
Hertiage, Kiowa, Firestorm foal, Galena foal and Brumby foal.
Galena and Lander
Galena, Lander, Jackson and Brumby
Lander, June 18, 2012
Firestorm and LeDoux
LeDoux, June 18, 2012
Lander, June 18, 2012

We decided to head back to the campsite for a while.  I saw a car driving towards us.  It was Shawn Ivie and his daughter.  It was really great to finally meet him.  He mentioned that he thought he saw Prince on his way up.  I had not seen Prince up close for some time.  The last time I had seen him was in May and it was from a long way.  I hurried down Burnt Timber road to find him.

It was Prince and he did not look good.  Very thin.  Prince is 19 this year.

Prince, June 18, 2012
Prince. His old wound that Blue Moon him a few years ago is still apparent.

We checked on Lakota one more time.  It looked like a storm was coming, so we headed back to our campsite and called it a day.  A good day!

View from my campsite.

All photos are available for purchase.  Contact me at: for more information.


Mountain Top Update, Morning of Day Two, June 18, 2012

I woke up just before dawn on my first full day on the mountain.  That would be around 5:15 here in Montana.  It was a clear, cool morning.  I quietly got up and walked out with my camera in hand.  Linda was not far behind me.  I looked down the road a short way and saw Teton and his band grazing in the first light.

Teton and his band, June 18, 2012

Not too far from them was Galaxy and his band.

Part of Galaxy and his band and Teton and his band.

I chose my campsite because of the location.  Sometimes the wind is quite strong here, but other wise it is perfect.  I love the way the sun comes up in the morning behind the trees.  There almost always seems to be horses close by, both day and night.  It is in between two water sources, so there is a lot of traffic that goes by.  I sometimes joke that I could just sit in a chair all day and all the horses would eventually go right by me.  Of course I don’t just sit there, but I suppose I could and I would see a lot of horses.

This morning was no different and I watched several bands coming my way.  We were the only humans on the mountain top that morning.  I especially love those days.  Sometimes (and only a very few times) someone else drives up the mountain early.  Usually the “day trippers” don’t show up until noon.  I prefer the latter.  I took a deep breath of the clean mountain air and watched the horses.

Hera’s filly, Maia, June 18, 2012
Ireland in the morning light, June 18, 2012

Ireland looked especially beautiful in the light.  I took several shots of her and thought I would share more than one with you.

Ireland, June 18, 2012
Limerick, June 19, 2012
Limerick and Maia, June 18, 2012
Ireland, Maia and Limerick
Hera shows Galaxy a little attitude! June 18, 2012
Galaxy and Hera, June 18, 2012
Galaxy, Hera and Maia

I turned the opposite direction and there was Kierra looking back at me.

Kierra, June 18, 2012

The rest of Cloud’s band began to come over the hill.  Cloud’s young son, Mica really likes me.  It seems that whenever he sees me he will head right for me.  I hoped he would not see me now.

Cloud and Feldspar, June 18, 2012
Feldspar and Cloud
Jasmine, June 18, 2012
Cloud’s band, June 18, 2012
Innocentes tells Lynx to behave.
Mica bugging Kierra.

Mica was not able to get Kierra up, so he decided he would take a nap right beside her.

Kierra and Mica, June 19, 2012

A few of the other horses in the band decided to take a nap in the sun.  We just stood in the morning sun and watched.

Damsel, June 19, 2012
Baileys, Aztec and Jasmine, June 18, 2012
Krystal, June 18, 2012

Feldspar and Cloud then saw something and became very alert.  Linda and I had seen two bears earlier that morning and I wondered if maybe that was what they were looking at.

Cloud, June 18, 2012
Cloud, June 18, 2012

Whatever it was, Cloud decided to gather his band up and move them on.

Feldspar and Cloud
June 18, 2012
Jun 18, 2012
June 18, 2012
Mica, Kierra and Cloud

Then Cloud felt there was some danger ahead and went up to the front of the band to see what it was.  It was more bands of horses, and they all took off down the hill to greet them.

June 18, 2012
Cloud checks to see if it is okay for his band to come down there.
June 18, 2012
June 18, 2012

A few bands enjoying the morning.

Seeing all of the bands on top of the mountain is a really incredible thing.  But I have to say that I really enjoy the challenge of trying to find them earlier in the spring.  Having to drive both Sykes Road and Burnt Timber road several times and hiking around looking, is really a neat experience.  I felt like I was getting quite good at finding them and getting to know the mountain well.

We enjoyed a quiet morning watching the horses interact with each other, all was peaceful.  They grazed and then almost all of the horses decided to lie down and nap.  That was something I had never experienced before.  ALL the horses lying down.  It was really amazing!

A few bands enjoying the morning.
Killian poking at his little sister, June18, 2012
June 18, 2012
Doc’s band
Cloud and Teton bands.
Celt and Sapo’s filly, June 18, 2012

Then they all start to lie down.

Doc’s band
Celt and Killian
Sapo, Bolder and filly.
June 18, 2012
Trying to get mom (Sapo) up.
Sapo, filly and Bolder
Now she can sleep!
Cloud finally lies down with his band.
Celt and Killian
June 18, 2012

I left the napping horses quietly and went to check on Lakota.  If you have not read about his injury, click on LAKOTA.  I had not gone far when I saw Galaxy and his band walking in front of me.

Maia and Hera
Galaxy and his band, June 18, 2012

On my way to check on Lakota I saw Grijala and his band.  All napping.  Not too far from them was Gringo with Tecumseh’s band and Mescalero and his band.  Tecumseh was not too far from them.

Gringo and Mescalero bands, June 18, 2012

And then I reached Lakota.

Lakota, June 18, 2012

I talked to Jared Bybee late Friday afternoon.  He  called to say that he had seen Lakota.  Lakota was quite a ways from where I had last seen him.  Still grazing and hopefully moving closer to some water.  I hope this means that he is healing.  Thank you Jared for letting me know!
