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Dryhead Report From Lori

Lori went out to the Dryhead on Saturday.  Here is her report!  Thanks so much Lori!


Jesse James and Seneca

I went out to the range on Saturday, and I am glad that I went early because it rained this afternoon, and the Pryor’s got some MUCH needed moisture. It snowed on the Pryor’s, but I am sure it rained down in the lower elevations.

I saw the greeters, and Hightail looks a little bit better than last I saw her. Maybe she is finding some of the newer forage to eat and she seems to have more spunk.

They were near the road and all together, unlike the last time I saw them when Hightail was all alone away from the band. This is a good sign that she is keeping up with her family. I stopped and took some photos, and then Hickok decided that they should all move. I watched them for awhile, but they clearly did not want me there, and so I left.

Hickok, Jesse James and Seneca

The next horses that I saw were out on Mustang Flats. They were far away so I hiked out to them, but not too close. It was Hidatsa, Johnston and Chief Joseph. I just stood there with them for awhile and unlike the Greeters they did not seem to mind me there at all. They look a bit thin but nothing to worry about and now they are starting to have some new forage to eat. That is what they did the whole time I was there with them. I have a thing for Hidatsa as I have known him for quite some time now.

Hidatsa and Johnston


I decided, after some time that I would just let them be and started to walk back to my vehicle when I noticed a dark head pop-up from behind some bushes. It was Hawk, another one of my bud’s out there on the Dry Head. He was very alert and kept on watching me. I did not want to disturb him as he seemed very intense in who and what I was. It was a meeting I was very happy to have with him as I have not seen him close up for quite awhile. I said hello & goodbye and thanked him for showing himself to me.  He is a beautiful stallion and I wish that there were more mares out there for some of these bachelors.

I hiked back to the car and went on my way to the end of the range. I decided to go into Ewing-Snell and see if the creek was running and it was.

I think that there is water in the Layout Creek now. I got my binoculars out and saw one lone black horse way out on the range. I could not tell at all who it was, but am thinking maybe it was either Seattle or Issaquah. I have not seen Seattle in a long time and wonder how he is and if he is still has Sacajawea.

There were some mule deer down by the creek and I tried to not alarm them, but they saw me and started to move away form the creek. I quietly got back into my car and left as they watched me. They seemed to be calm and not running away. There were about twenty of them.

I drove back through but did not see anyone else. I was blessed though, as I did get to spend time with some of the wild ones. It was a good day.

I hope I start seeing more of the horses soon. Last year I saw more of the horses in April. They must know something that I don’t.

Kaibab and Liesl

I spent time today with Liesl and Kaibab….they are so cute and doing real good. After I fed them their good stuff, they were playing with their dishes, and so it gave me an idea to bring them a toy!


I brought them a big red ball to play with. Liesl found the part of it so that she could pick it up. They made me laugh and as always give my heart a burst of love.


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