Proposed Removal of 15-20 Horses


I am still reeling from this past couple weeks.  First the death of Blanca, then receiving the letter about the removal, and then the sudden and tragic death of Isadora and her foal.

I have been talking in depth with a couple friends (Abbie and Sarah), about the proposed removal, and we are carefully planning our in depth comments and will get them in writing and sent in before October 6.  In the letter from the BLM, it did not state when the removal was planning on taking place.  In order to properly comment, I did email them and was informed that the earliest would be the summer of 2018.

 I made a ton of notes on my copy of the notice, so I am going to give you a link that Travel and Nature posted of it.  PROPOSED REMOVAL LETTER.   Thank you Livi for making a post.  Here is a link to her post if you would like to read it.  Travel and Nature
Remember your comments need to be in by October 6, 2017.

10 thoughts on “Proposed Removal of 15-20 Horses

  • Have they even considered that the deaths have far outnumbered the births this year? And the year is not over yet. 🙁

  • I also agree that a removal under the current conditions with so little births and many deaths seems unneccessary, even the PZP treatment to me seems out of contest, like there is no proper planning anymore. Raven’s line is favoured and even more Cloud’s if we consider that his full sibling Mariah only has Galena in the range, but the point isn’t just that, we should seek a solution with removal being uneccessary. Sometimes i wonder if it would be better to let the 2 year olds fillies give birth and raise foals and after having an offspring in the range then use the treatment on them and so if they become permantly infertile they would at least pass on the genes. Saying that is maybe bad for such young fillies to give birth kind of contradicts the arguement that these are wild animals who should live on their own. . Wild horse face risks like any wild animal and the stronger should prevail. I also think if it would be better to let the herd totally unmanaged and let nature take its courses, with overgrazing eventually eliminating the weakest links, but that would be unfair for the bloodlines who are already underpresented on the mountain.

    Honesty its a difficult decision, because naturally people want to see the wild horses live their wild life regardless of their bloodline but since the Pryor herd is so closed managed , dilemmas such removal or PZP will always be tough.I do believe that things need to change and i plan to comment, because a hasty removal without considering specific facts will do more bad than good,.
    If the deaths the last two years acchieved the goal for the Herd’s population , why a removal is neccessary?

  • I am questioning the need for this! 15-20 would remove all of the last 2 tears foals plus. The last 2 years death rate has been higher than usual. There are still a number of aged horses in the herd. Personally just can’t see any justification in removal of any at this time!

  • Wow what a week for you guys who are involved with these horses. A couple of very sad and unexpected deaths now this. 15-20 horses sounds excessive to me considering how few foals have been born the last couple of years and how many horses are aged in their 20’s or will soon turn 20. I think our best bet would be to push to reduce the number of horses removed and to remove only the ones who would have minimal impact on the herd’s genetic diversity.

  • I agree, 15-20 seems a little excessive. There are way less horses on the mountain now than when I was there in 2014 (I believe the next removal was the year after in 2015?) which was closer to 200. And following your blog I can tell there have been far fewer births which means the PZP birth control is working. And removing a bunch of older horses from the range–what does that do? They’ve only ever known life in the Pryors. Why take that away? I get managing the herd is important but removing horses just for the sake of removing horses just seems unnecessary. 🙁

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