Pryor Foal #5, May 7, 2013

The fifth known Pryor Foal of 2013, a filly, born to Feldspar and Cloud.

I woke up this morning thinking that it was a year ago that Mica was born to Cloud and Feldspar.  I thought for sure Ginger was probably there now, anticipating that Feldspar would be foaling any day now.

My friend Sarah had this photo posted to my Facebook wall.  Thank you Sarah!

Feldspar is the 2005 daughter of Rosarita and Starman.  Cloud is the 1995 son of Phoenix and Raven.

Photo by TCF.
Photo by TCF.
Feldspar, April 30, 2013
Feldspar, April 30, 2013
Cloud, April 15, 2012
Cloud, April 15, 2012


Logo designed by Amber Bushnell
Logo designed by Amber Bushnell


33 thoughts on “Pryor Foal #5, May 7, 2013

  • He/she even looks like his father. Do they say a filly or colt?
    Happy that the little one looks to be healthy too, and Feldspar looks good too.
    Another new life on the Pryor’s…YAY!!!!!!!
    thanks Sandy!

  • Thank you Sandy.
    It is a great news. She looks so healthy and cute. Now Mica has a little sister to play with.

  • She is so beautiful, I am obsessed!!! I love that she has the same face as Mica too, I had wondered if this years foal would. I’m sure he’s going to be thrilled to have someone new to play with! I can’t wait to see pictures of them playing together!!

  • I wonder what name possibilities there are? I imagine Ginger will name her; she’ll pick something fitting 🙂

      • I like one of the names that someone mention on my post. It was Shalia. Nebula or some others by Michael were Nube, Nublada or Nublosa. All mean cloud or cloudy. It will be interesting to see what Ginger picks. I am assuming she was the one that found her.

      • Those are good. Nova has come to my mind too since she’s like a bright ray of light.

    • As I read suggestions of names, the name “Nimbus” jumped to mind. While it is not a normal name, since she looks so much like Cloud it might be fitting. It has become sort of a tradition that whoever discovers the foal has a major input on the name, so who better to discover and name a Cloud offspring than Ginger.

      • Yes, Ginger will most likely be the one to name this little girl. We just need to be patient and wait to hear what it is. Despite the fact that Ginger has not respected and kept the names that you and I choose, I intend to respect her decision and call this filly what ever she chooses. Hopefully it will be an N name.

  • She is lovely…I really hope she will be allowed to stay free always.
    I like the name Nebula a lot…it fits her. Will be interesting to see what Ginger will choose.

    • Yes, I hope all the new ones get to stay free. In the next few weeks I will be breaking down the RMP options. There are a couple of them that will add several thousand acres to the range. If that happens, hopefully the AML can be increased and along with the current PZP plan that is in place, we will hopefully see very little removals.

      • I really hope all of the new ones get to stay free too! I really hope the AML can be raised. Hopefully like you said that can eventually erase the need for removals or at least make the removals much smaller and much less frequent. I’d love nothing more than to see them all stay free.

  • Glad to hear you’re going to do a breakdown of the RMP options. There are a couple of things I’m not sure I understand and I’m betting your observations will help.

    If that new little filly were mine to name, and I needed to use N, I’d name her Nymph, which means “beautiful maiden who dwells in mountains, forests, trees and waters”. The TCF name will not necessarily involve the alphabetical factor.

    No matter what her name is, she’s another Pryor beauty worthy of our admiration. Of course, I’m a little partial to her momma ever since I first saw her when she was with Blue Moon and Jupiter was just a babe. 🙂

      • Seems appropriate to me since she certainly is a beautiful maiden, and hopefully she’ll live out her life in the mountains, forest, trees and waters of the PMWHR! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • She definitely is a beautiful Maiden! I hope so much that she will get to stay free for life!

  • Oh my gosh she looks just like her father! Have we decided a name for her. I think Nykoli (Nic-ole-i) would be a possible option and may fit well. Cloud is the reason I came to learn about the horses and it was following him that lead me to this blog. Seeing this filly couldn’t possibly mean more. I can already tell she is going to have a big place in my heart <3

  • And Cloud’s story, as told so beautifully by Ginger Kathrens in her books and movies, (I love them), has been a powerful tool in raising public awareness about the Pryor Mountain mustangs, much like the efforts put forth by Hope Ryden all those years ago that bolstered the efforts of the local people who saved them from eradication in the first place. However, it IS only PART of the very interesting story of the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range and the herd of horses it was created for. For those who are interested in the herd’s historical significance, much info about all that is available at That, and Matt Dillon’s blog at the time I was doing my research, is where I first learned about and fell in love with the horses and the Range. I only wish I had discovered them many years sooner. Yay, internet!

    I truly appreciate that Sandy’s blog is here with in-depth information about ALL the beautiful families that inhabit that rugged and beautiful land! GO SANDY!!!

    I’m really looking forward to seeing the saga of this little filly and her brother Mica, from many different sources, and hope that it will be only happy stories. 🙂

    • Thank you Linda. Yes, there is much excitement about this beautiful little girl. She is beautiful and special, but as you said, (and I agree), so are all the other horses on the range. I don’t think she is any more special than the 4 other foals that have been found this year, nor will she be anymore special than the rest that will be found. They all deserve to be recognized for the beautiful and special horses they are.

      • You are so right about that Sandy and Linda! They all are special and have their own unique personalities. Each and every horse on that mountain has their own story, it is only because of TCF that Cloud has become the celebrity that he is and has won the hearts of many people, and it did bring awareness to this herd. But to me, every horse out there is a celebrity and in the spotlight. Grant it, some of the horses become special to individuals for all different reasons that sometimes we cannot explain. But they all deserve to be recognized and respected for who they are, individuals who are truly magnificent and so very strong to have survived for many many years without too much interference from humans. I pray that they will survive for many more years into the future.

  • Love that she is a filly! Because of her “Unique” color there is a very HIGH possibility she will never be removed however survival of the first year is harder on this color. Her BLM official name will have to be an “N” I think but the TCF could still call her something else. I hope we see more posts about her in the future I love to keep track of the “Unique” ones. Especially after my all time favorite Kayenta was removed :(.

    • Yes, Kayenta was a favorite of mine as well. In fact I was considering adopting her until Kiowa and Kootenai got removed. There are a lot of N names that would be fitting for this little beauty. Choosing the alphabet letter makes it much easier to figure out their age without having to look it up. 🙂

      • For clarity in researching, and out of respect for those who did the groundwork for keeping this herd alive, I’ll be using whatever her official name is in the records that will be kept alongside the records of all her, as well as her sire’s, ancestors. We do owe them an unending debt of gratitude and I’m more than willing to pay it. 🙂

      • I am with you on that Linda!!!!! I do hope that Matt is keeping up with the foals and has some great names picked out for them!
        I will use those official names also!

      • Just to clarify my last comment: I will use what names the BLM choose for their records no matter who names them….it is just a way to communicate with BLM (about individual horses) when and if the need arises. It is a good policy that we use the same names as is on the official records with BLM. I am still waiting to hear what name Cass chose for Duke & Helenium’s foal.

      • I agree Lori. I just hope they name them sooner than last year. After a while I start to call them by names! 🙂 I do always remember their official names though, so even if I throw in another name here and there (Like Mandan and Mojave!!) I still call them by their official names when communicating with Jared and Matt etc… But for the most part, I call them by their official names. BTW, I was happy to get an email from Matt saying he thought the names I picked out were great! That made me feel good. I always want to stay on the right line of name picking (history etc, if there is one) So hearing he thought they were good, made me feel like I (and Anh) had done our job.
        I emailed Cass and she said that actually Bill and Ryan were the ones that spotted the foal. She said if they do not pick something soon, that they will probably just let Matt name it! 🙂

  • I agree with you on that too Sandy…I do hope that they don’t wait too long or we all will have names for them…ha ha. I do love the fact that you gave people the chance to give some input for names, and I do hope that some of those names will be used. There were some great ones!!!!
    The important thing, which you pointed out is that when communicating with BLM we do use the “official” names.
    I am happy that Matt liked the names you and Anh chose! Knowing Matt as I do, I did not think he would have any problem with those names and the fact that you and Anh found the foals!

    Great…so now we have to wait for Bill and Ryan to name this little foal of Duke & Helenium’s!!
    Hurry up you two!!! HA HA

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