A New Director For PMWMC

The PMWMC has hired Aubry Jollee as their new director.  Here is an article about Aubry that the Lovell Chronicle did a short time ago.  You can read that article by clicking on AUBRY.

Aubry adopted Jicarilla and her little filly at the adoption in September.

Welcome Aubry!  I am looking forward to working with you for the benefit of the Pryor Horses.


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8 thoughts on “A New Director For PMWMC

  • Nice, informative article. I knew about the appointment from the Center’s website, and Joy had told me about the article, but I hadn’t gotten to it yet. Thanks for posting it—since I do get here pretty much daily 🙂 I’ll bet the big black stallion who was watching her swim in Crooked Creek Bay was Sam, and I’ll also bet he was thinking he’d like to be in there splashing, too. What a lucky girl she was to grow up seeing the horses on a regular basis. 🙂 I’m glad to “meet” another soldier in the army of advocates for the horses on duty in an important position.

  • I was thinking that the stallion was probably Sam too. I’m hoping she’ll keep us updated on Jicarilla and her filly 🙂

    • Thank you Emily! It would have been a rather long commute to work. Plus I would not have time to be where I want to be, on the mountain! 🙂 Yes, I have heard of Equitrekking. However, my tours or of the wild horses, not on horses. 🙂

  • That is a real nice introduction for the new Director (Aubry Jolley) of PMWMC Sandy!
    I hope we all can work together for the benefit of the Pryor horses, and I do wish Aubry well in her new position!

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